Success at all cost?

Today every one of us is gallantly engrossed in everyday endeavors to achieve success in his or her aspirations. But how can we precisely define success as? Many people have become millionaires, billionaires due to hard work and determination. Is that success? Scientists and other scholars have come up with discoveries that have helped or improved lives, but is that success to them. What may qualify as success to some people may not be success to others while to others they fall in the uncleared areas at the bottom of the concept of success. Success is a fuzzy concept where clear cut definition on it depends on entirely on a person’s aspirations.
            If success is according Spencer was to become a social worker who tentatively aspired to serve many people in his life. Spencer was born in a poor family. After her was three years old his parents died in a car accident leaving no will but just a wont. He was adopted by a rich family but he did not spent much time with them for he was sent to study in boarding school most of his growing life. One day he was on his vacation Spencer came across a young orphan boy who wanted to go to school but he could not get the necessary funding.
            From that time Spencer spend most of his free time in voluntary work in the hope that he was helping the needy. As he studied, his aspirations were to set up an organization that catered freely for the needs of the poor and the orphaned. When Spencer went to college he studied social development and management which helped him achieved the success in his aspirations of setting up an organization. Most times in his college it enthralled him when he championed and raised funds for the needy college-mates. Many of his peers where enchanted by his big heart and shared some of his aspirations encouraging him to pursue his childhood dream.
            Today, Spencer has achieved his success by setting up a charitable organization which has provided hope for over ten thousand orphans and needy children. After college he wrote a proposal which received the approval on UNICEF and other sponsors of children organization. This charitable organization not only offer solace for bright future for orphans and the needy children but also provides employment to about two thousand people who comfortably provide for their families. Spencer is in charge of millions money from donors and sponsors which he manages ensuring the needy get hope for their lives and one day may be help others in need. When I visited Spencer in his office the other day, I was flabbergasted by the dreams he had. He now not only wants to set up organizations all over the country but also subsidiaries at the third world countries.
            In conclusion success is like getting rich and goes on levels; from one level to the next until one’s mind is tired and the body has no strength to achieve more success. Like a rich man who accumulates millions into billions, and then to trillions, success goes from one challenge to the next in all ones life. If you want to success define you aspirations, work hard and take the mountain of challenges one step at a time till you are at your peak. Take heed.


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