Review of the film Into the Wild

Film Review: Into the Wild
            The film Into the Wild directed by Sean Penn is a magnum opus production exhibiting talent among Hollywood directors. The director, formerly an actor before, acted with such seriousness - never laughing on-screen, he transfers the same admirable seriousness when he directs this master-piece. Penn’s ingenious mind is depicted as he delves himself with this film where his reverence and passion is seen in portraying the rebel tradition of the Americans who unwind the clock of time and awkwardly reside in the realms of piety. This notion of trying to go back in the wanderers’ civilization negating the promising future invested in captures the viewers leaving them in bewilderment. The cinematic aesthetics bring about the intriguing emplotment, characterization and the poignant themes and symbolism in the film which enthralls the viewers incessantly. The plot revolves around McCandless’ life, a young graduate who forsook his bright future and went in the journey of destiny.
            As the events in the film unfold, the viewers cannot fail to drift into the thoughts of Christopher McCandless mystery, his travels episodes, and via flashbacks fill-in-the-gaps about his sister Carine and unhappy parents. As the film end, it virtually stands out as among the best in the portrayal of self-delusion in years of movie production. Penn’s touch on characterization surpasses the imagination of many. McCandless’ sister Carine sporadic voice endeavors to unravel the psyche of her “wild” brother, depicting the opposing inner voice. McCandless, a character Penn adores, he succeeds in bringing him as a self-righteous man escaping his privileged and noble background. The intercepting shots of close-up and long shots of McCandless on the varying landscape are breathtaking. This help viewers build mental pictures of his thoughts and somehow grasp his quest for oneness with the nature as each of us would on viewing the nature on Discovery Channel. McCandless’ life travel escapades are punctuated by the interesting people he meets who are more curious in knowing him than he is in them. A prototype of road movie as it is, Into the Wild is not dwarfed by familiarity of the genre, as at the end is relentless grim. Penn directs the film in such a way that McCandless encounters people from all walks of life via which viewers re-evaluate themselves given the same situations.
             The theme of disillusionment is at the heart of the film which by extension presents the dilemma many people undergo in their lives. The case of McCandless is not unique in any way though it pin-point the manifestation of the misdemeanor of our failures on the truth around us. When McCandless failed to achieved what he set out to achieve he became disillusioned. By all means this is a common affliction that is realized at the high of youth idealism and exposed by cynicism. The film presents us the views of a young man as he saw the world. McCandless as an aesthetic voyager we feel at some point on his journey he is discouraged in life. In his quest to bring meaning to his unhappy yet well-provided-for life, McCandless undergoes this spiritual journey to be at peace with his inner self but ends far from his objectives. Like McCandless, many of us face the same predicament of poverty, hunger and educational systems which leave us more confused as we are hit by unemployment and bankruptcies. This film indeed expands our knowledge and therefore helps us think outside the box and see the inevitable.
Penn presents to viewers McCandless case which is a reflection and symbolism of our unquenchable thirst that take our ambitions to the uncharted waters. Penn’s insights in bringing out symbolism are his fair attempt to portray America where the political and spiritual lost ideals are resuscitated to life. McCandless is homeless by choice and all the encounters are a big picture of the ideologies that have been exalted by policies made. This film is an eye-opener not only to American people but also to all around the world. The earnest folk music complements the different situations and enforces the themes in the film. The sound tracks are very influential in the way they bring about the tensions in the films which make the viewers sympathize with McCandless in all his endeavors.
            In conclusion, the film Into the Wild is a hit in the way the director depict self-delusion in life as we try to discover what is new for happiness only later to be dismayed in the end. Self-contentment is therefore hard to achieve if only one is trying to escape from himself or herself in the mundane life.


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