Lady Macbeth

Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” is a play in which deceit, corruption, and death are juxtaposed in ingenious twists to bring out the tragic action in a classical manner. The play oscillates around Macbeth and his beloved wife, Lady Macbeth. As the events in the play unfold, the relationship of this couple is of strong bond, equal partners but it dramatically changes simply as each of them tries to resolve their emotions after King Duncan is brutally murdered. At the end of the play, their relationship has got worse to the extent that Macbeth does not even grief when his wife dies. Shakespeare’s ingenious mind is depicted in Macbeth as he highlights the human circles of love and happiness, sorrow and grief in life’s escapades, from the first love, pointing out reasons for breakdown and also the turning point of relationship, as well as the influences that act as the breaking point to marriages (Shakespeare and Somogyi 26).  
            In the entire play, the relationship of Macbeth and his wife Lady Macbeth, in its twists and turns, is quite interesting of all. As the scenes unfold in Act I, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are devoted completely to each other. This bond is felt when Macbeth sends his wife explaining his thoughts and prophesies of the witches which indicates that he strongly relies on her and further values her opinion. This comes out in the lines, “…my dearest partner of greatness,” which underscores the importance of their relationship as equals in this pact (Shakespeare and Somogyi 41). As he also writes informing Lady Macbeth of the witches’ prophesies, is to ensure they celebrate and share their joy together. The prophesy that he would be Thane of Cawdor, Thane of Glamis and then King which would definitely change her life. As the play progresses, it is not the prospects of becoming the Queen that contributes to Lady Macbeth’s happiness, but just the aspect of being with Macbeth and wishes him prosperity which make us deduce that her love for him is pure. 
According to Shakespeare and Somogyi (39) trust, love and respect are valued ingredients that define their relationship. The relationship is has trust as its fortress as revealed when Macbeth tells of the prospects and predictions of the witches. Macbeth truly trusts his wife so much that he tells her of secrets told between people who trust each other and would not fear sabotage or any form of jeopardizing their plans. Lady Macbeth really loves Macbeth as portrayed when she was told prophesies of the witches that Macbeth would be a King. Although, this would alleviate her to the position of a Queen she is only happy being with Macbeth. Macbeth’s affection for his wife depicted when he addresses her as ‘My dearest love’ and also when he writes to her with the phrase, ‘my dearest partner of greatness’. The relationship between the two is also based on respect as we see Macbeth listening to his beloved wife as she talks about the murder of King Duncan. Macbeth also respects her opinions on what they discuss and answers in a polite manner as he says, “We will speak further”. Out of the love for Macbeth, Lady Macbeth employs her strengths to get Macbeth where he aspires to be and achieve.
In Act II, the murder of King Duncan dents their relationship because both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are emotionally affected. Macbeth is regretful and guilty after the murder which exposes his weakness and has lost the zeal in his ambitions. Whether he is hallucinating or not, he is not at peace with himself for he images hearing voices. On the other hand, Lady Macbeth is self-confident and calm and acts to calm the panicky situation of Macbeth. This panicky status of Macbeth erodes the peace and brings disgust in Lady Macbeth straining the relationship both shared of mutual understanding. Lady Macbeth tries to calm her husband who is in a kind of delirium and is confused because she cannot now understand the husband she knew (Shakespeare and Somogyi 57).
As Act III unfolds, it brings out the turning point in Macbeth. Shakespeare and Somogyi (83) reports that there is reversal of roles because it is like the character strength previously shown by Lady Macbeth is now in Macbeth and weakness that was exhibited by Macbeth is now with his wife. Now Macbeth as a King reveals his cruel side, becoming a despotic and tyrannical leader. The relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is strained one. Before, Macbeth consulted and listened to the opinions of Lady Macbeth but now as the King, he has negated her role and does not need her support. Trust, love and respect which were once the tenets of their relationship have gone into thin air and the relationship precipitated out. Drunk with power, Macbeth now controls the relationship and Lady Macbeth who previously would affect some of the decisions his husband now cannot. Lady Macbeth has no one to talk to and ultimately spends most of her time brooding over the dreadful things they did with her husband to attain the throne. The marriage delved into dreadful framing and murder of the King Duncan which haunts them eating away the ties that bound them together. Each of them is brooding over what haunts them and they can never find happiness and moments to share which makes life worthless. Although Macbeth knows all the ugly things he has done which haunts him, he was prepared to fight to death while Lady Macbeth has no pride left to fight and has receded in her inner thoughts has kind of resigned in life.
From the beginning of the play Lady Macbeth and Macbeth’s relationship changed in many ways and basically towards the end it is completely destroyed. She had great ambitions a wife of Macbeth but all that is never achieved. Her strengths steel the yielding character Macbeth who thereafter acquired that unyielding character locking his mentor out of his life. As a mother she does not have the mother qualities as she talks about bashing out the baby’s brains as it suckles. This presents her as anti-mother figure. Pride which is the hubris in the play gets over Macbeth and destroys their once happy marriage to the extent that it is tragic end for Macbeth does not show emotions over her wife’s death when he is informed by Seyton (Shakespeare and Somogyi 62).           
In comparing the characters and relationships of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth with that of Macduff and Lady, we find two couples which are quite different from each other. Unlike the evil scheming Lady Macbeth, Lady Macduff is honest, timid and has good intensions. She is indeed the complete opposite of Lady Macbeth. This we learn when she gives a speech after the arrival of the messenger. She is however caught in the fight for support and killed with her children as her husband chooses to support Malcolm to race for the throne against Macbeth. One characteristic that is common between Lady Macduff and Lady Macbeth is that they both love and are loyal to their husbands. Macduff on the other hand is noble from Scotland who differentiates a good leader from the tyrannical ones. He suspected Duncan had been murdered by Macbeth and that is why he chooses to garner support for Malcolm in England. Macduff unlike Macbeth is a man who prides in revenge and justice, and would like to see the people governed a humane leader. Macduff is goaded by Malcolm to seek revenge against Macbeth who had killed his wife and children of which he succeeds in eventually killing Macbeth (Shakespeare and Somogyi 95).
In conclusion, Shakespeare play Macbeth succeeds in highlighting tragic action befalling on noble characters through which their tragic flaw lead them to destruction. The human nature is depicted in this play through which Shakespeare presents the way of life in which he engages us intuitively understanding the mundane life of human beings where man and wife are presented with life challenges which must be overcome by discussion but not by shutting out the avenues of expressing ideas. Although there are forces that influence humanity, it is the choices that we make which are to blame for the predicament the humans face. The choices lead us to our glory or destruction after all.

Work cited
Shakespeare, William and Somogyi, Nick De. Macbeth: The Tragedies of Macbeth; The first Folio of 1623 and a Parallel Modern Edition. London: Hern, 2003


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