Offroading in the Desert

Each one of them knew it was not going to be easy sport to cheer considering the harsh weather conditions of the desert that was known to cause profuse sweating from the body. But for the love of adventure and a challenging expedition to long for, they all agreed to be part of his cheering squad. The three of them, Salim, Keith and Masood packed the essential effects that night after they had escorted Mike to join the team of drivers who were taking part in the desert racing competition the following day. Despite the obvious challenges of weather which they were aware of they still remained excited for the day in the scotching sun and to cheer Mike whom they hope would endure all the driving adversity in the desert and emerge as a conqueror. They had faith in him having in the previous desert competition emerged among the top ten.
Mike had prior to this competition practiced thoroughly in rough terrain which had given him the composure he would ace the race on the sandy desert. His love for racing had started when he was a young boy aged eight after being taken to rough terrain racing by his father where he adored those drivers who had overcome serrated land surface and emerged victorious. Before he was ten and barely able to reach the car pedals with his feet, and having a clear view of the road ahead Mike had acquired enough skills from his beloved father to maneuver a car around in their ample parking. Driving was innately in his blood and he endeavored to master driving skills as it was with his remote controlled toy in his cozy bedroom that caused many of his peers become green. He looked forward to this offroading in the desert race as the only way to prove his mastery and prowess in racing on exigent topography. At his age of nineteen plus years, he was a focused man in racing many promoters had seen his captivating potential and had come knocking for his signature. Having attracted the attention of media and high profile people with passion in racing who offered to support him by all means, Mike had nothing to worry about because General Motors Company had agreed to pimp him with racing 4×4 wheel drive Land Cruiser tailored for the sandy desert landscape. He had nothing to worry him.
At the crack of dawn when the muezzin of the Al-hajaz mosque two kilometers away clambered up the spiral stairs to the top of the mosque minaret and bellowed out, “Allah-o-Akbar, Allah-o-Akbar,” Masood, Salim and Keith were about to set off from their rented rooms in the heart of the desert oasis. Salim eased out the four wheel drive Range Rover from the parking bay at a crawling pace to the exit gate where Keith and Masood awaited their luggage ready to be loaded into the car. Keith with the guide map ready he climbed into the passenger seat next Salim as Masood sat in the right back seat and kept the pot boiling, throwing behind them gravels and dust as the firm tyre grip on the road. They hit the road lit by the bright front lights at confident speed right to cover the ten kilometers to the north were the race would commence at eight o’clock in the morning. Driving on the calm sandy desert, the red rays of the yet-to-appear sun encouraged them wishing them luck of the day ahead.
Mike and other drivers had pitched tent on the start-point just below a huge sand dune that hung above them in an intimidating gesture. They were getting acclimatized to the high temperatures together with light sandstorms during the day and somehow cold nights they were experiencing on the desert. He had previous day met and conversed with the other drivers who were familiar with the route and gained considerable tips on the race which also added to his confidence. He had slept well during the night with no nightmares in his sleep. At dawn as his beloved friends meandered around the sand dunes to the starting point of the race, Mike woke up and did a few press-ups and sit-ups to keep himself fit for the race about to start in three hours. Later he joined the other drivers for the breakfast which was prepared at the center of the camp site. After the breakfast the technical team took them through once more on the procedures and the race course just to be sure all the competitors adhered to the rules as required or else they would be disqualified. Each driver felt within adrenaline urging him to steel his confidence for the gallant fight to win on this desert for they hoped for no Moses miracles.
At around seven thirty as the morning wore thin with the desert sun spread its soothing rays allover the desert sand dunes, all the sponsors and spectators like Mike’s friends arrived to witness the epic race. Mike met his friends and exchanged greetings after which they assured him they were behind him no matter what, as the desert sun began threatening to sunburn all the people on this God-forsaken desert which exhibited its cruelty to all living things. They all in unison patted his back telling him he was the best. The announcement over the hand-held loud speaker jotted them from their sweating bodies. All drivers were required to meet at the podium which has been hastily prepared ready to be flagged off. Mike left his friends and joined his promoter where he entered his car and slowly eased it to the start line. The gun short rudely announced the start of the race as drivers displayed their skill to overcome each other and soon they disappeared leaving behind trail huge cloud of dust to the cheering spectators. Salim and crew drove in their Range Rover to the base of the sand dune where they climbed to the top to gain access to the vivid view of the racing cars around the dunes that protruded from the desert like anthills.
As the cars expertly roared and competitively meandered to the route back to the finish line approximately seven kilometers, Mike’s friends could see him in their binoculars among the approaching five racing cars. Optimism rose among his fans also. Just then a huge sandstorm that no one had seen appeared from the windward side of the huge sand dune Salim and his buddies were watching the race from. It swept everyone off-feet. Using handkerchiefs they tried to fend off the dust from their mouths and noses until it was over. But the people below were most affected, some buried deep in the sand. Fortunately there were no serious injuries sustained but some of the race cars where overturned by the storm. Luckily Mike’s car withstood the storm, roared powerfully and glided on the sand to the finish line to the jubilation of his expectant fans and friends.
Mike’s friends considered it their day for they had not only withstood the devastating sandstorm that had wrecked misfortunes to other spectators but also to the racing drivers. They could now hold their heads up knowing they were part of the winning team of the offroading race in the desert.   


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