Book Review: The Physics of Miracles

The science behind miracles as revealed in Dr Richard Bartlett’s book offers an amazing approach into the metaphysical realm in solving the day-to-day health challenges. Persistent asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis proved a nagging setback that provided the necessary impetus into discovery of the mystic cures. The 1997 discovery of alternative treatment informed by a long period of research and practice as a chiropractor endeared the phenomenal experience into the course of matrix energetics. Matrix energetics founded by the doctor exposes the transcendental ability inherent in any individual to tap into the form of the body manifest in information and light. Interplay of quantum physics, Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphic Resonance, and superstring theory outline the energy physics defining the miraculous manifestations (Bartlett, 2009).
Making sense of miraculous transformations in the natural realm of operation opens doors to the normal perception informed by the cause and effect. The innocent perception in embracing the logic of the cause and effect of things in the way they operate forms the experience in our grasp. This presents a limitation in what we can basically define and do, based on our experiences learnt through observation. Therefore innocent perception follows our path of expectation that assumes the unquestionable outcome of the cause and effect. Bartlett (2009) states that the missing link in the normal outcome of things falling outside the normal path of expectation in cause and effect defines the clear way of observation in noticing what you notice. A different approach in changing our expectation automatically means we change the way we observe things, the very logic side-stepping the normal circle of cause and effect. The alternative option lies in the realization hewn deep inside us often plagued by constant lots of distraction so that the limitless possibilities become blurred and marred in our own experiences.
The Physics of Miracles as outlined in the book refers to the process of noticing or observing things. Bartlett (2009) counters that miracles happen all the time but we miss them due to the way we take notice of things. The idea is changing perception in noticing what comes up based on how you notice it, not based on earlier perceptions of reality in what you actually see. The possibilities open when we concentrate our attention to a particular point to fall deeper into the subconscious to awaken inner ability to see a whole new thing of what we initially held. The transformation in perception unlocks the inner power to engage deeper into the realities unknown and unrealized before, creating a higher port of information through the sensory apparatus. Priority in sifting through the norm when paying attention to a particular area uncaps superior experience of reality to provide information previously absent in the normal course of sensory operation.
The genesis of the process as outlined in the book begins with identifying aspects that capture our attention. This provides the basis of measurement that acts to connect the self to the focus of that attention. Trusting the point of focus drawing our attention welcomes the second focal point that relates to feelings or any form of expression derived from the two points ascertained. This creates a different environment hitherto unfathomed even though the change can be ascribed to permitting new entry points of information. However, the possibilities in the new frontier of consciousness hinge upon the will of the individual to fully usher the realizations generated by the new source of information unhindered. Opening up the conscious inlet based on the premises of the general acceptance of any aspect of life can be controlled becomes the realized stream feeding the chasm of possibilities. Sifting through events happening in the conscious allows mastery of focus in directing attention, thus the normal expectations are superseded to achieve a different berth of superior outcomes (Bartlett, 2009).  
The sacrifices presented by Dr Bartlett in the new realm of possibilities hung on the essence of losing some level of skepticism. The idea of maintaining calm in the disadvantaged position of not knowing the outcome stokes the epicenter of power. The need to know is thus enveloped in the vortex of ability that dims the problem and the desire for a solution. Dr Bartlett states that “…knowing has nothing to do with thinking, but rather is a quality found in and through the heart….the less you think, the more powerful your outcomes will be” (Bartlett, 2009). The conscious thought can therefore be suspended at will and knowledge isolated effectively from the train of thought. This revelation in the process of tapping into consciousness helps lift the curtains of logic from preventing view to the innate awareness potential.
The barrier in the normal function of expectation feeds upon the upfront challenge in the problem that steals away the inner ability to tap into the immense power within. The conscious level is the seat upon which miracles are birthed, but the challenge for many people has always been tapping into it. Thus the conscious expectations created by the desire for miracles depend upon the awareness potential mastered in entering the miracle realms. The frequency and intensity of awareness created by the individual corresponds in similar manner to the berth of access granted to experience magical outcomes (Bartlett, 2009).
There exist natural laws that govern the experience of miracles informed by incessant foraying into operation of these laws by any willing individual. The natural laws exert the limitation in maintaining consistency in occurrence of miracles even though consciousness remains borderless both in scope and potential. Limitation therefore is a superficial horizon stretching the expanse of one’s ability to conceive whatever idea possible, activated by knowing the basic operation of the natural laws. The realm of miracles is controlled by various natural laws that determine the degree of privilege enjoyed in unraveling these laws. The start point in the whole process of conception of miracles begins with the individual choosing to indulge their consciousness in generating new experiences (Bartlett, 2009). The measurable results in the intuition led adventure in discovering the Physics of Miracles relies on two points identified for relaying the innate power by letting go of learned reality. The idea is concentrating on the significant effects in our realm that cannot be ignored, owing to the myriad of distractions playing deep in our conscious.
According to Bartlett (2009), the object born out of the process of concerted focus in the conscious then acts to provide some form of feedback established through internal communication with the object. Awareness of the presence of that object in initiating dialogue transforms the whole experience in effecting commands to fix whatever problem there is. Understanding the object conceived in the depths of consciousness leans strongly toward creative visualization and shamanic journeying. In dispensing the loads of creativity, establishing and linking aspects informing our aura of awareness in the conscious becomes certain, albeit in the absence of inhibiting factors like disbelief. The process is effortless in operation and the results are tremendously awesome. Experience in the new medium of operation depends on the possibilities birthed in the endless opportunities presented by the potent awareness lying deep untapped in the individual. Past experiences and expectations in the wave of old beliefs present an imposing hindrance that can only be mastered and overcome through understanding the Physics behind miracles.
The state of balance sought in the physical, mental, and spiritual realms become restored with the practice of focused intent. The shift in misalignments of the body in the various zones of existence in the mental, spiritual, and physical states provides the mechanism behind unveiling miracles. Imaginations as identified by Dr Bartlett provide the channel of measurement in attainment of tangible results. Subtle energy in the field of modern Physics largely inform the mechanisms of forces used in the occurrence of miracles. The fundamental principles in the field of Physics expounded in the scalar and quantum disciplines insightfully underlie the processes which can effectively be reproduced. The creative power in the individual interrelates with the commonplace natural laws outlined in Physics to provide solutions against long standing misalignments and ailments (Bartlett 2009).
Healing the pestering disconnect in the various aspects of nature welcomes the experiences of Dr Bartlett in bridging the gap between the individual and surrounding environment. Natural laws as outlined in the earlier works of Dr Bartlett in the book Matrix Energetics provide the telling assumptions carried in the latter publication that brings closer the ideas of experiencing miracles. Bartlett (2009) points out that the discovery process of merging the innate power in imaginations with the subtle energy outlines the shift in the experience of miracles and eventual concrete change experienced. The forays into such informative topics behind the new attention discussed in the book indulge alternative universes, levitation, and invisibility. In the new precipitation, comports of practical-based discoveries in the new dispensation charging Dr Bartlett’s seminars allow the individual to experience miraculous experiences. The Physics of Miracles endears instantaneous miraculous experiences to the effect of extensive involvement of all and sundry in the simple methods of experiencing a miracle.
Levitation is an old science aspect used as one of the forces in achieving miraculous experiences accompanied by physical manifestation of power. The lightness sought in the performance of a miracle relies on the idea of levitation in Physics wherein an object appears to dispense with gravity. The individual in the practice of levitation loses the normal reality in the train of imagination to connect oneself to innate power in the realm of the invisible and abstract nature. This process acts as the channel of bridging the individual to the potent realm within the individual that tends to correct, restore, and instill awareness of the inner abilities. The Physics herein refers to the basic law in suspending objects in opposition to gravity through various methods studied in Physics. However, the idea in borrowing from Physics makes the expectation shift from the normal order to the superior order created within the individual that can be visualized internally (Bartlett, 2009).  
According to Bartlett (2009), invisibility as a method employed in the Physics of Miracles provides the mirror of reality into which the individual sublimes in imagination to tap into the field of miracles. Invisibility sheds the hindrances in the physical state to embrace the objects in the imaginary world outside the normal scope of cause and effect. The goal is to achieve the limitless potential in the inner spectrum of things that provides the necessary foundation for miracles to occur. The normal experience of things becomes simplified in embracing the true nature of things without the upstart demands of logic and knowledge. The genesis of miracles once the individual is lost in the sublime attracts the input of the inner power to be directed toward achieving a miraculous response. A raft of techniques enabling the occurrence of miracles rises to awaken the true reality of things when we permit them to occur as the final consequence of treating oneself to them. Invisibility plies on permissiveness of the individual to create awareness about the immense possibilities in discovering the magical outcomes by losing the chain of old expectations.
Alternate universe in effect alters the environment known to the individual to suit particular emphasis desired or register some desired change. The aspect of time travels fits in this context of alternate universe as expounded by Dr Bartlett in altering individual present circumstances. Adoption of actors in the imagined world during the exercise of miracles helps individuals to tailor their needs into experiencing new expectations in changing their needs. In this way, active imagination is deliberately expended toward recreating and restoring the situation. The simplified methods taught in the book expose the necessary tools in recreating an environment of perfect state in the realm of alternate universe which is limitless in time and place. The characters envisioned in the imaginary world play the major part in assisting the experience of miracles, wherein the individual assigns the best possible experts in recreating the perfect situation sought (Bartlett, 2009).
Trusting the new context in doing little to achieve immense outcomes as chaperoned in the book defines a new approach in solving chronic problems. Though the call to doing less is not informed by ignorant assumptions, the idea of seeping in the available avenues of doing less to achieve more often goes ignored. The new approach defines the course of enjoying immediate results through clinching the practical steps presented by Dr Bartlett. The healing techniques outlined revolve a vast scope of awareness in choosing the points for supercharging with immeasurable power. The totality presented in the approach of unveiling the Physics of Miracles relates to the two points of connecting the individual to the potent power for enjoyment of miracles (Bartlett, 2009).
In conclusion, Dr Richard Bartlett in his book The Physics of Miracles: Tapping Into the Field of Consciousness unveils a different path of experiencing miracles anywhere at anytime through easy practical-based approaches. A change in perception of expectations translates into change in observation and consequent birth of possibilities. However, old expectations informed by long-term reliance on the idea of cause and effect therefore need to make way for development of new ways of observing things. Thus the book recommends practical ways of observation and response to things in reality, and connecting to the immense possibilities through development of higher channels of information.

Bartlett, R. (2009). The Physics of Miracles: Tapping in to the Field of Consciousness Potential. Simon & Shuster.


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