Avatar plot review

Avatar Plot
            James Cameron’s film Avatar is an ingenious masterpiece exploring science fiction genre. The plotline of the film revolves around Jake Sully; a paralyzed ex-marine called in to replace his twin brother (dead) in Pandora exploration space mission. Because his genetic make-up, Jake can fit in his brother’s space suit and survive in Pandora without the toxic fumes of Pandora affecting him. This space mission is carried out by mega-corporation mining a precious ore (unobtanium) and threatens existence of Na’vi, the indigenous humanoid species living in Pandora (Moviefone 1).
            Jake later learns that the mission bring conflict between humans and the Na’vi as the precious ore is deep in the rainforest environment and the home of Na’vi tribe. The corporation had promised to restore his legs if he undertook the mission, collecting intelligence reports about the Na’vis leading to extraction of the ore. Using his dead brother’s special suit and linking with the genetic codes, Jake is able to delve into the consciousness of his brother’s Avatar and explore Pandora.
            However, the avatar is attacked by the hostile creatures but later saved by the Na’vi princess, Neytiri, taken to the tribe and initiated as one of them. On learning the Pandora secrets, Jake is torn between allegiance to the company and betrayal of his adopted Na’vi society. His love for Neytiri and sympathy for Na’vis help him stand with humanoids of Pandora. When Col. Quaritch and his army attack, Jake chooses to protect Hometree, Na’vi’s sacred shrine (Moviefone 1). Despite Hometree being the heart and soul of Na’vi, Quaritch’s forces attack killing many Na’vis, Neytiri’s father included.
            The domination and survival fight leads to Jake earning the trust of the Na’vis, linking with Toruk, Na’vi’s feared dragon. He eventually unites the tribe and fight against the forces led by Col. Quaritch. The battle was a fierce one leading to death of the Trudy and chief Tsu’tey. Jake is a hero to Na’vis as he destroys the bomber which intended to strike Tree of Souls. Unexpectedly, the wildlife of Pandora joins the fight. In desperation, Quaritch exposes Jake to toxic fumes of Pandora but Neytiri saves Jake and kill Quaritch. All remaining humans are expelled from Pandora except Jake who is entirely transformed to his avatar (Moviefone 1).

Works Cited
Avatar. Dir. James Cameron. Prod. James Cameron and Jon Landau. Perf. Sam Worthington et al. 20th Century Fox. 2009. DVD.
Moviefone. Avatar (2009) Plot Summary and Details. 2011. Web. December 17, 2011.


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