
Showing posts from February, 2012

Pornographic content

Pornography             Pornography had for a long time remained an issue in the sub-category of the obscene for it was considered intellectually and morally unfit in interpreting it even by defining it. For those scholars who dealt with pornography had their works viewed as a form of “anti-art or anti-literature”, and because of this reason many scholars did not dwell on pornography because it was seen as topic unworthy of attention in the academic fraternity. However, this did not stop pornography permeating the society where today is witnessed to have had great influence in the lives of many people. In many cases the penetration of pornography has not been censored leading to the untargeted group like the minor being caught up in the middle (Munoz, 2009). Whenever the issues of pornography political and cultural aspects are revisited in society where many critics argue on it as a cultural discourse while others base their facts on politics. In the last three decades or so, how

Creative story

A Day out in the Kuwait Streets             Looking from the top of the five-star hotel, Majid was not only amazed by the beautiful expanse ultra-modern city whose buildings seemed to have been constructed at the same time, but also marveled at the way the people adorned red clothing walking along the well-manicured pedestrians paths beside the asphalt roads and highways. He remembered the history of Kuwait City; that it was razed to the ground in 1950s and consequently planned afresh to denote the rapidly growing urban town as a resultant to its inexhaustible petroleum wells. The buildings designers seemed to have come from the same school of thought because the minarets of the mosques and other espoused architect designs indicated a kind of commonality. Camels patronized the city streets below Majid’s eyes as if in constant competition with the sleek cars that announced the luxuriant life of this oil rich Arabian country. A line of dhows that was magnificent from this point d

Women role during the Renaissance

The Role of Women in the Renaissance Introduction             The society during the Renaissance period was patriarchal in nature and the role of women during this period was just in the backdrop of the men’s roles. Just like in the Middle Ages women in Renaissance were denied participation in the politics, which was legally considered as the domain of men. The women irrespective of their class were expected to play and perform in the roles of housewife. The women in the class of peasants worked in the farm hand in hand with their husbands and performed the duties of running the home. The women of middle class merchants and shop owners in many times helped their husbands in running the businesses. On the other end, the wives of the elite class, though were attended by a number of servants, were often involved in the household tasks, cooking, entertaining, and sewing among other chores (Brown and McBride 48). In this view, the role of women during the Renaissance was specificall

Stress: Portrait of a Killer

In the National Geography documentary “Stress: Portrait of a Killer” directed by John Heminway, stress is explored highlighting it not as abstract or mythical aspect but stark reality that man has to battle with in the society today. Diseases, which are caused by stress-related problems, are among the biggest threat that faces man in modern industrialized society, whereas little seems to be known about stress. The revelatory science is significantly explored on in this documentary where latest discoveries shed light in stress through scientist Robert Sapolsky, a Stanford University professor. Sapolsky had been mesmerized by the fact that some people were affected by stress compared to other. As depicted in this documentary, Sapolsky goes to Maasai Mara to study baboons on fact-finding research. From the comprehensive research on stress and social hierarchy in primates, it thus emerges out that the higher one is in the social hierarchy the lower the stress and vice versa.         

Book Review: The Physics of Miracles

The science behind miracles as revealed in Dr Richard Bartlett’s book offers an amazing approach into the metaphysical realm in solving the day-to-day health challenges. Persistent asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis proved a nagging setback that provided the necessary impetus into discovery of the mystic cures. The 1997 discovery of alternative treatment informed by a long period of research and practice as a chiropractor endeared the phenomenal experience into the course of matrix energetics. Matrix energetics founded by the doctor exposes the transcendental ability inherent in any individual to tap into the form of the body manifest in information and light. Interplay of quantum physics, Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphic Resonance, and superstring theory outline the energy physics defining the miraculous manifestations ( Bartlett, 2009 ). Making sense of miraculous transformations in the natural realm of operation opens doors to the normal perception informed by the cause and effect. T

Archaic medical procedure - Lobotomy

The documentary “The Lobotomist” by John Maggio and Barak Goodman feature a medical procedure gone awry and gone unnoticed until too late with thousands falling casualty to the practice of “ice pick” lobotomy. The trans-orbital lobotomy as referred by Dr. Walter J. Freeman lasted only fifteen minutes but the side effects outlived any gain from the simple procedure. In a compelling encounter with lobotomy, the 2008 release of the medical procedure highlights the plight of suffering mental patients in the hands of overzealous physician out for glory in the most awkward practices in medical history. On contrary, the supporters of Freeman argued on his efforts as in alleviating pain to that docile state where the family would take care of their loved ones. Events surrounding the World War II inspired Dr. Freeman to find a quick-fix solution to mentally disturbed patients from concentration camps, albeit with devastating long-term results. In describing the procedure, the documentary pr

Literary elments analysis

            Introduction             Movies like all literary works: fictional novels and narration stories are based on literary tenets or rather elements, which contribute to the conventional canons; of flow in the scenes emplotment, characterization and the contextual settings that entail low-budget or blockbuster movie productions. By critical analysis of a movie on the literary elements; how they are employed and realized ultimately enables us make valid assessment on the value and pragmatism of the ingenious mind of the director or producer in the whole production. Renowned directors or producers who have succeeded in producing good movies, the audiences aspire to watch now and again, have employed literary elements which include; the plot, characters, themes, cinematography, Mise-en-scene (performance of scenes before the camera), piecing of the shots together by editing and the sounds (sound effects, speech and sound tracks in harmony with image shots (Caine, 2004). It is

Offroading in the Desert

Each one of them knew it was not going to be easy sport to cheer considering the harsh weather conditions of the desert that was known to cause profuse sweating from the body. But for the love of adventure and a challenging expedition to long for, they all agreed to be part of his cheering squad. The three of them, Salim, Keith and Masood packed the essential effects that night after they had escorted Mike to join the team of drivers who were taking part in the desert racing competition the following day. Despite the obvious challenges of weather which they were aware of they still remained excited for the day in the scotching sun and to cheer Mike whom they hope would endure all the driving adversity in the desert and emerge as a conqueror. They had faith in him having in the previous desert competition emerged among the top ten. Mike had prior to this competition practiced thoroughly in rough terrain which had given him the composure he would ace the race on the sandy desert. H

Lady Macbeth

Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” is a play in which deceit, corruption, and death are juxtaposed in ingenious twists to bring out the tragic action in a classical manner. The play oscillates around Macbeth and his beloved wife, Lady Macbeth. As the events in the play unfold, the relationship of this couple is of strong bond, equal partners but it dramatically changes simply as each of them tries to resolve their emotions after King Duncan is brutally murdered. At the end of the play, their relationship has got worse to the extent that Macbeth does not even grief when his wife dies. Shakespeare’s ingenious mind is depicted in Macbeth as he highlights the human circles of love and happiness, sorrow and grief in life’s escapades, from the first love, pointing out reasons for breakdown and also the turning point of relationship, as well as the influences that act as the breaking point to marriages (Shakespeare and Somogyi 26).               In the entire play, the relationship of Macbeth and