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With the constant evolution of the way information is shared, different mass media in the media landscape have been witnessed from radio, cinema to television, and in vogue Internet. It is undoubtedly important to note that the arrival of television has had significant impact on both the cinema and radio. The radio and cinema which for many years have been traditional media sharing information and entertainment, have not found it easy because the television has given them a tough run to remain in operation. With the invention of art of film and radio broadcasting, the society was lit with modes of passing information. However, as the modern media grew in tandem, television emerged as the most influential in the media landscape inherently threatening the survival of the radio and cinema. The radio has over time provided entertainment and communicated information through sound and talk while the cinema has done the same duties using sound and talk and moving pictures. Television has embraced all signs employed in communication and entertainment and moved a notch higher in the media by bringing out reality lifestyles in the society.
            Revolution in the mass media started to gain momentum with the arrival of television. The television made it possible in combining the aspects of cinema and radio making it a dual purpose mass media. Television has slowly shaped the world by ensuring the fictional and factual presentation of accounts. Radio presents sound and talk where radio drama is just heard and not seen. The news in the radio are just audio presentation of the days happening recorded and released to the society. Cinema on the other hand is the visual presentation of fictional accounts and figurative of what is happening in society. At times the cinema was much removed from the reality of what is in the society. In regard to television, its impact has been immense given the fact that it combines both audio and visual elements and furthermore it brings the reality in the contemporary society. This is what makes television a major milestone in the mass media combining the aspects of cinema and radio thus being a threat to the survival of the two. Television brought the interactive aspect in mass media given that the viewer can see what is happening and communicate feedback to the people he can see and hear on television. This is something which is lacking in the other mass media like cinema and radio.
History of Television
            Since the invention of television, in 1939 when several scientists contributed to the first analogue TV, they have been part and will continue to play integral role in our lives. Among the pioneers who came up with analogue TVs like the IF5 was Andrea. Andrea contributed to the third mode of TV revolution known as 8F12 of twelve inches. The analogue TVs of 1939 especially the five inches had no sound but vision to the delight of many people. The TV-Radio mode of 1930s and early 40s were built in a way that they would capture the radio frequency and the analogue signal. However, a drawback happened with the start of Second World War because people earned very little while compared to the dear cost of the TV sets. The production was stopped only to resume in 1946. Color television sets were manufactured in 1949 and with the number of stations increasing. By 1950s millions of TV sets in America were sold and 107 stations were established.
            1940s and 50s were important periods in the history of television because manufacturers ensured they revolutionalized the mass media were audio-visual communication and entertainment became in vogue in the society then. Although radio and cinema in early 1930s dominated with the monopoly in the commercial advertisement and entertainment, the advent of television saw complete reversal with people being appealed by this interactive and attractive mass media. Programming of the television became important and paved way for entertainment and communication of information in a way that no other mass media had ever done. The 1960s television sets were modified into vacuum tube TVs though poor in color rendition mostly black-white color. The tube electronic TVs are in 1970s replaced by the solid electronics which were using the UHF tuners. A decade later there was fine-tuning of the electronic tuners leading to the cable television eventually replacing the black and white sets of TVs. LCD TVs have dominated the 1990s supporting high definition video modes. There is now worldwide migration from the analogue broadcasting to the digital-terrestrial broadcasting.
How television has revolutionalized the media
            Since its invention, television has had significant impact in the mass media for its programming that bring out game shows, prime time news, new programs, and reality shows. The four types of programming have endeared themselves to the audience more than any other mass media. The television due to the visual and audio aspects caught the world by storm raising the domestic consumption, a polemic aspect in its medium, and its significant impact in the ideological rationale as result of social function. Although the radio had significantly penetrated the society with every household possessing a radio, television has had significant appeal in the mass media because with audio-visual aspect has led to societal representation. Unlike radio and cinema, television encompasses different aspects in communication of information where news, movies, shows among others are aired. In this view, the society finds television quite accommodating than cinema and radio where the older people are obsessed with news, music entertains the young people, and cartoons are for children. People at home spent their relaxation time watching favorite programs while others spent time watching movies in the comfort of their rooms. TVs are found in kitchen, bedrooms, sitting rooms, and even at workplaces because the influence it has on people’s culture and way of thinking. This makes television the media of choice and many people prefer it than other forms in the mass media.
The invention of television is the best thing that happened with technological advancement. Not only has television revolutionalized the domestic consumption but also the commercial sector. Commercial advertisements that used to be posted in radio and cinema are now posted television. The reception of television by the public has been immense and the presentation of information and entertainment has by far been overwhelming. Commercial television has had significant impact on cultural and economic life where it has outshined the radio broadcasting and cinema. The massive powers television exercises are felt in being number one marketer and informer compared to radio. Television has been a discourse in the mass media that has self-promoted its capabilities as a result of its implicit positioning and permeating the trade and public discussions. Playing the lead-role in advertising, television unlike radio is quite captivating because it employs all the aesthetics of appeal in informing the public and especially consumers on the products that are in the market. Consumers are well informed on how the products are used, where they can get them, their prices as well as why they should buy particular brands instead of others. Radio broadcasting has to some extent been on the front run in commercial advertising but the influence of television due to its audio-visual factor has infused reality in advertising.
Despite the cultural contextualizing of cinema in 1940s, which was associated with artistic status, high cultural esteem, and personal expression, television has revolutionalized cultural prestige having associated with liveness, domesticity, and creating a national identity. Cinema impressed people with moving pictures where artistic aesthetics have been packaged in factual and fiction to project reality in life. Television has overwhelmed the endeavors of cinema not in competitive manner but employing domestication approach, infusing liveness touch and more so contextualizing aspects that bring national identity. Television programming in many a nation is nurtured toward the domestic audience. It is notable how the programs in television are tailored toward the way of life of the people which translates to public identifying with the contents that is programmed in the television.
Reality shows adopted by television have infused new aspect in mass media that has not been done by radio broadcasting. Although there is criticism of reality shows by television but they are true reality of what is prevalent on society. The shows have significant impacts on the way contemporary cultures are and continue to influence civilization giving rise to what is known as the popular culture. All over the world, reality shows have become a common aspect as a result of drawing great demand from the audiences. Some of the reality shows anchored on television stations have had significant impacts being leveled as life-changing in a positive way. The shows change the way of thinking of the people resulting to an informed society that defies the odds in life and lead good lives as a result of them being aired on television. Television has thus become the life of the people in society because it reflects on the reality of the contemporary society for people to view what is good and bad for informed choices.
The interactive aspect of television reality programming has been more of public entertainment and rewarding because not only have the shows become more real but also a reward system for the faithful fans. Fans who participate in the raffles reap monetary benefits making some of them millionaires in the process. No other mass media has been able to attract more participation that reality shows hosted by television stations. Every reward system inherently is a good sign to the public because it shows that their efforts are appreciated in supporting mass media and its efforts in keeping the audiences informed as well as entertained. Although not everyone can become rich by lack but participation of the reality shows portray the realities in the societies and instill hope to the hopeless as well as trying to deconstruct some myths the society continues to grapple with. The media has a duty to culturally shape the society and impart the good morals to the young generation. Reality shows in television have significantly done this duty by imparting morals in the young generation on top of highlighting that the generation can break the barriers previously experienced by past generations. The ideal in society is reflected in the television, which variably acts as the benchmark to the society and infuse the element of national identity. A good example of such reality shows include the America’s Next Top Model reality show, which highlights the realities in American society as well as building that national identity the American people can nationally identify with.
No society can economically, politically, socially, culturally, and religiously grow without the influence of other societies. The television’s reality shows and liveness helped bring about interaction of different cultures; not to showcase the differences but highlight the cultural diversities, infuse understanding for social and cultural appreciation. Reality shows help deconstruct stereotypes that have been seen as the cultural way of life of other societies. The understanding derived by societies from reality shows thus enhancing social understanding leading political and economic progress in interacting societies. Radio and cinema showcases the differences in cultures and societies but at some level end up perpetuating the stereotypes which cause ethnic tensions. Therefore, television showcases the evil and good in society so that people can make informed choices on aspects that affect their lives directly. Airing certain reality programs in television in essence help change our attitudes so that the society becomes a better place to live in.
On the global events that the world experiences in the contemporary society today have had significant influence from the television. Television prime news of what is going around the world in live images has made the world a global village. The societies are able to compare their predicament with those of other societies in the world and agitate for change. On the onset of 2011, the Arab world is under turmoil because of the authoritative regimes which are repressing and oppressing the Arab people. Television has been feeding the world with live pictures what is going on around the globe leading to agitation in societies that have been repressed by the leaders. It started with people revolting against the government in Tunisia, and the whole of Arab world is up in arms against dictatorial and authoritative regimes. Television is able to highlight the predicament of misfortunes in one nation and in the next twelve hours solutions to the problems affecting the people of this nation is found. Television has greatly influenced the lives of the people than cinema and radio have done in the past half century.
Its impact on Cinema and Radio        
            Television has brought the competitive aspect in the mass media where monopoly is a thing of the past. With its programming, television has been able to play the roles played by radio and cinema concurrently. Cinema embraced the art of entertaining people in society through fictional representation. Movies were produced depicting the ideal in society where the good triumph over evil. However, this is not always the case because evil forces shave in reality driven the good to the verge of people despairing in life. With the advent of television, entertainment took another twist which is quite crucial on the entertainment sector. Reality shows have made entertainment the form of relaxation where people on top of being entertained learn the vital aspects in life. Commercial advertisement which used cinema as the media to pass information to the consumer world has found less people in the business world willing to advertise through it because television has become a choice of the masses.
            Radio broadcasting on the other hand used to showcase programs like radio shows but television seems to have beaten it with its liveness. People now prefer watching news than listening because it shows more than just the presenter reading the news. Radio had dominated the society before television had made impact in the world because of its affordability and availability. But television has slowly but surely moved on edging out radio as the mass media of informing people, entertaining them as well. The two mass media have thus resulted to survival tactics to keep them in business of entertaining and informing people.
Response Cinema and Radio to Influence of Television
            Television has over years stamped its authority in entertainment and communicating information to the society. In order to remain in business, radio and cinema have responded appropriately to continue existing in the market. Cinema has taken a different turn, not moving away from fictional presentation of society but embraced reality. Cinema has embraced presentation of society’s problems and ways of solving them through documentaries that are more like the television’s reality shows. Documentary films have even been used in television in a partnership the television so as to inform and entertain people. Diversification in cinema has seen it present various genres in films rather than the depicting of the society after war and depression of 1920s and early 40s. Today, genres range from drama, gangster, historical, sci-fi, horror, to entertaining and informing documentaries. Cinema has therefore embraced informing the society rather than the previous role of entertaining the people to effectively compete with television.
            Radio has inevitably changed bringing in talk shows, humor presenters, and embraced interactive programs that enable listeners to actively participate. In radio broadcasting today is not like decades ago when after reading of news there was no program interesting to listen to. What is going on around the globe is updated to the avid listener not on hourly basis but after fifteen minutes. Music playing of the current tracks as well as the global ranking has effectively made radio listening worthwhile. Interactive talk shows have also kept listeners at par with world events, problems, and proposing solutions on how to go about the social problems. Moreover, listeners of radio can also win lotteries like those presented in television and win large amount of money. Organizing roadside promotions for politicians and marketing companies has also become part of many radio broadcasting stations widening their operations and meeting the listeners after all.

            Mass media in society is indebted with providing basis of informing and entertaining the society of what goes on in the globe. Cinema and radio have had dominated this arena in the 18th and part of the 19th century. With the arrival of television, the other mass media saw a new challenge and competitor who eclipsed the roles of entertaining and informing the society in a more appealing way. Prime time news, reality shows, game shows, and entertainment have become roles that are played so well by the television. The contemporary society is so engrossed by the programs of the television that people admit cannot live without television. Although the in vogue Internet is revolutionalizing the mass media today, digital television programming is up for the challenge just like radio and cinema were with advent of television. Television has become the mirror on which the modern society reflects itself in.


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