Technology in Elementary Classrooms

Technology in Elementary Classrooms
          Many changes have been brought forth as a result of advancement in technology. These changes have also been witnessed in the education in which technology in elementary classrooms is greatly improving the way teachers and tutors impart knowledge to students as well as helping students consequently develop skills that will in future benefit them in the competitive global job market. Technology experts and analysists have had various views concerning the way technology influences students with its introduction in elementary classrooms.
            Technology is replacing the traditional instructional learning methods in the elementary classrooms in which its influence on students has been quite impressive if used well. Computers have become integral not only in the business world but also in the education sector. Math functions have become quite simplified with the students learning in performing these functions and thus helped in speeding up the process of calculation. According to a survey conducted on the influence of technology on students in elementary classrooms, many technology experts argued that technology enhances the early opportunity of exposure on the students and enabling them solve math functions, analyze charts, and data through representational format of graphs. Spreadsheet software has been quite essential in presenting data after the introduction of computers in elementary classrooms simplifying the work for students. Digital cameras, on the other hand, have helped students in presenting shapes and patterns through really exciting pictures, which have also been presented in slideshows helping students, grasp the theoretical lessons from the practical perspective.
            Students who have been exposed to technological tools like computers, calculators and cameras at elementary level, tend to perform better with these tools in other educational levels after finishing their elementary level. Some teachers have been against introduction of technology in elementary level arguing it hinders the students’ initiative abilities making them dependent on the technological tools. Experts warn that technology may bring harmful effects to students in elementary classrooms, arguing that students lose their socialization abilities with other people on top of becoming dependent on learning through technology. There may be some truth in this but the reality is that these tools have become part and parcel of everyday lives and students need to be taught how to use them efficiently. The use of multimedia technology has raised the curiosity of students because unlike the boring traditional blackboards, technology brings captivating and more colorful presentations as well as stimulating lectures. Students who have been learning with the aid of technological tools in elementary classrooms have indeed two vital options; using their minds or the technological tools like calculators in their classroom problem solving and calculations.
            Computer softwares that have proved useful to students have enabled them achieve better grades in elementary classrooms. These softwares include PowerPoint, HyperStudio, and ClarisWorks, and have proved essential in student presentation of reports and assignments. Technology analysts point out that students who have been taught strategies like Advance Organizers, Questions and Cues as well as Note Taking and Summarizing through computers enhance concept development on top of promoting elaboration and information synthesis. Such students equipped with these skills performed better in examinations that those who had not been introduced to technology. Technology is the gateway to the modern digital society and thus if students are to fit as natives of digital world, they are to be taught skills that will eventually help them.
            Further, students ought to be taught preparing papers of their final reports on computers so that the teachers can have easy time reading and correcting them and returning to them in time. Preparing term papers on computers and submitting them in time help students in learning because teachers correct and return them on time and ultimately enable revision. This has enabled students achieve higher grades. Moreover, the Internet has proved quite resourceful to students in information researching. Experts’ advice on use of Internet by students is vital and they should only be allowed Internet research after they have acquainted themselves with library research. Students of today are growing up in a digital world and it has become necessary and beneficial for elementary students to be exposed to technology teaching.
            On contrary, technology analysts point out traditional learning methods should not be ultimately replaced by technology, but should be emphasized alongside these traditional methods in learning process. In response to technology as a system implemented at elementary classrooms, experts argue that is not a guaranteed way for getting better grades. Students, for instance, can be given Internet enabled laptops for their home and school use. This is not a sure way of getting good grades because much of the time students spent over the Internet can conversing with each other and ultimately surfing on sites that do not add value to their studies. Other students can spend most of their time playing with the technology available to them instead of using it constructively. Many experts agree on the introduction of technology to students at elementary level whereas limiting the amount of time spent remains a point of contention.
Technology and especially Internet facilities should be handled with care in elementary classrooms if it is to add maximum academic value to student learning. Technology experts on this aspects advocate for censorship and guided use of Internet by both parents and teachers. Accessing some sites by students can lead to some influence, which ultimately results to Internet addiction. This is not to mean technology should suppressed at elementary level because knowing technology use by students can result to opening up their careers fields in advance thus directing their energies in specialization once out of elementary level. Analysts of technology strongly point out students can benefit from technology introduced at elementary level preparing them to greater technology use after school.
In conclusion, introduction of technology in elementary classrooms is imperative if we are to acquaint the students to the digital world. Use of technologies at elementary classrooms makes learning interesting and enjoyable compared to the traditional learning which on the other had should not be negated for technology altogether. Adopting technology alongside traditional learning methods imperatively improves the students’ grades as well as preparing them for greater technology use at other levels of learning. Technology experts and analysists debate on students’ benefits of the technology introduction at elementary classrooms. One thing is certain that the benefits technologies at elementary classrooms are more that the harmful affects that can be curbed in the education process for students to be successfully integrated into the digital world.


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