

Television Introduction Sporting activities enhancing peace and social cohesion among refugees With the constant evolution of the way information is shared, different mass media in the media landscape have been witnessed from radio, cinema to television, and in vogue Internet. It is undoubtedly important to note that the arrival of television has had significant impact on both the cinema and radio. The radio and cinema which for many years have been traditional media sharing information and entertainment, have not found it easy because the television has given them a tough run to remain in operation. With the invention of art of film and radio broadcasting, the society was lit with modes of passing information. However, as the modern media grew in tandem, television emerged as the most influential in the media landscape inherently threatening the survival of the radio and cinema. The radio has over time provided entertainment and communicated information through sound and talk

Analysis of Chopin's Story of an Hour

Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”           Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” recounts the transformation and perceptions that take place within an hour in the life of Mrs. Mallard, bringing out the roles of women and the society’s attitudes that existed in the 19 th and early part of 20 th century. Chopin’s short story revolves around this lady Louise who upon receiving the news of her husband’s death reacts like many would. Ironically, a new perception dawns on her of acquired freedom, life without imposed will as previously imposed upon her by her husband. The author through the character of Louise reflects rebellious perceptions that were repressed among women at the time the story was written and in some societies common in marital relationships. Women as depicted in the story had submission roles to the patriarchal society that expected women to be loyal to men; bend their will to accommodate that of men in their lives.             As the story unfolds to the reader, the


Gandhi             The film Gandhi released in 1982 was adopted from the biography of Mahatma Gandhi and unfolds with his fateful assassination of 30 th January 1948 as a result of being the go-between on conflicting Muslims and Hindus in India and Pakistan. The film plot quickly goes back to narrating Gandhi’s early life as a practicing attorney. With the setting in South Africa, Gandhi is traveling by train and after he adamantly refuses to surrender his seat in first class coach is thrown out. He is subjected to this segregation because he is an Indian. This provokes him to organize mass protests for banning all discriminatory acts and an end to these stereotypes where all protesters are arrested and later released. In the film, Gandhi is propelled by religious virtues and believes all people are equal before God. The British rule had denigrated the Indians limiting their rights to the extent of not acknowledging their marriage laws. For this reason, he endeavors for the achi

Analysis of Pathos, Ethos and Logos in Ads

Analysis of Pathos, Ethos and Logos in Ads             The rhetorical appeals; pathos, ethos and logos are in one way or another employed in advertisements with the aims of persuasion or ultimately convincing the consumers to buy products. Everyday as you walk around cities’ streets and highways you will no miss these big billboards that are aesthetically appealing due to graphic images in captivating colors and visual information structure which captures your mind eyes. Most advertisements are poignant and appeal to consumers because the marketers do a fine work with their market research and furthermore are aware of the ideal aesthetics that endear to the people. The essence of employing the persuasion through pathos ensures that the ads appeal on the emotions and desires of the consumers in real life. The rhetoric appeal - ethos in ads is based on famous celebrities whom the people hero-worship and thus they aspire to be like them as their role models. Although, cultural val

Technology in Elementary Classrooms

Technology in Elementary Classrooms           Many changes have been brought forth as a result of advancement in technology. These changes have also been witnessed in the education in which technology in elementary classrooms is greatly improving the way teachers and tutors impart knowledge to students as well as helping students consequently develop skills that will in future benefit them in the competitive global job market. Technology experts and analysists have had various views concerning the way technology influences students with its introduction in elementary classrooms.             Technology is replacing the traditional instructional learning methods in the elementary classrooms in which its influence on students has been quite impressive if used well. C omputers have become integral not only in the business world but also in the education sector. Math functions have become quite simplified with the students learning in performing these functions and thus helped in sp